Youth Camp!
Monday July 21 (9:30 am) to Friday July 25 (6:00 pm), 2025
This years youth camp will be through Generate, and the theme will be powerful! To see more about Generates Website: Click Here! Please please please make camp a priority this year! Jesus gave His life for us, surely we can give Him 5 days of ours! Add it to your calendars now! If you have any questions about registration or about the camp, feel free to reach out! Also, students, invite friends! The more the merrier! There will be a realease waver that needs to be downloaded and filled out as you register. Be sure to do that! You can pay online or you can turn in checks/cash to Stephanie Myers clearly labeled in an envelope or drop it in a drop box located outside the sanctuary doors. You can also leave payments in the offering clearly labeled PAYMENT FOR YOUTH CAMP. Please make deposit payments by March 26th.
Youth Conference
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
On 03/12/2025, we will meet at our regular scheduled time on Wednesday at 6pm. But, we will plan on leaving the church in the bus shuttle as a youth group to go to a one night conference at Preaching Christ Church in Kingsport. This event is free, but we still need to know if you’re able to make it! It will be gospel focussed and empowering. Looking forward to it!
Where: Preaching Christ Church
707 E Sullivan St
Kingsport TN 37660
If this is a conflict for anyone please let know. We will be back at the church no later than 8:30! (If it would be easier for someone to pick up their student in Kingsport, please let me know and we can try to arrange that)